Daily English


每日一句: http://dict.bing.com.cn



Let’s和Let us 的区别?
Let’s go skating,shall we? 内部建议,包括说话者
Let us try again,will you?向别人发出请求,不包括说话者
Financial Statement is shown below: 财务报表如下:

Balance Sheet  资产负债表

Income Statement   损益表

Statement of Changes in Shareholder’s Equity  变动表中股东权益

Statement of Cash Flow  现金流量表

Supplemental Balance Sheet Information 资产负债表补充资料

Shareholder’s Equity Information  股东权益信息

Cash Flow Information  现金流量信息

Average Amounts  平均数额

Regulatory Capital Information  监管资本信息

Securitizations, Off-Balance Sheet Structures, Commitments and Contingencies  证券化,资产负债表结构,承诺和应急

Problem Loans  问题贷款

Other Items  其他项目

Information Needed for Standard Adjustments  所需信息的标准调整

Non Numeric Accounts  非数字帐目

Financial statements are usually compiled on a quarterly and annual basis. 编制财务报表通常每季度和每年的基础。

Chart of Accounts:会计科目表

Financial accounts :财务账目

General Ledger :总账

Supplemental Accounts:补充账户

Peer comparisons :同行

Joint Default Analysis (JDA):联合违约分析(JDA公司)




Dear Jason

I hope you had a great vacation last week in Paris. I look forward to hearing about it when you get  a chance. I plan to go to Paris with my wife next summer.

Could you please let  me know when the new version of your desktop publishing software will be released? We are eager to purchase the new version and are hoping it will be available soon.

Thank you, Jason, and I  look forward to hearing from you soon.


Jeff Lee
Purchasing Manager
Electronic Publishing Inc.

I am a senior auditor from corporate headquarters in Seattle. Could you please send the following information
by Friday? I need the information to prepare for the audit next week.

1、Open account balance statement
2、List of all suppliers
3、Payroll breakdown by department

Thank you, Frank, and I look forward to meeting you next week.

Lynn Washburn
Senior Auditor, Supercompany


Dear Lynn,


Please find attached the open account balance statement and the list of suppliers.
The payroll breakdown by department will not be available until Monday morning.  As
soon as I receive it
, I will send it to you.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Frank Tsai
General Manager, Supercompany Taiwan


Dear Mr.Hollins,

I am the training manager for Real People, a temporay placement agency located in Shanghai,China.
We are the leader in temporary placement services in Shanghai.
We are looking for a consulting company to help us become more efficient.Could you please send us
your latest brochure detailing your company’s services by Monday, so we can decide which consulting
company is best for us?

Thank you,Mr.Hollins, and if you have any questions,please do not heistate to contact me.


Jason Wang
Human Resources Manager,Real People
35F 128 XinHai Road, Shanghai,China


Dear Mr.Wang,


Thank you for requesting information about our consulting services.
The brochure is not yet avaiable. It should be available next weeek.When the brochure is
complete,we will send a copy to your address in Shanghai.In the meantime,if you would like
to learn more about what we do and what our clients say about our service, we recommend you
visit our website at www.xyzconsulting.com.
Thank you again, Mr.Wang, and if you have any questions,please do not heistate to call or
write. My contact information is listed in my signature below.

Best regards,

Jim Wu
Senior Manager,XYZ Consulting


Dear Mr.Wang,


Thank you for inquiring about our consulting services.

Please find attached the brochure you requested . It details our consulting
services, what our clients say about us,and our pricing. I would be happy
to arrange a meeting with you to discuss our consulting services in more detail
and answer any questions you may have.

Thank you, Mr.Wang, and please do not heistate to contact me if you need any
additional information. I can be contacted at the number listed in my signature

Best regards,

Jim Wu
Senior Manager,XYZ Consulting

四、询问信(inquiry)+ 催询信(Reminder)

Dear Sir/Madam:
I am the puchasing manager for Electronic Books Ltd. We write and publish e-books.

We are looking for a company to host our new website and would like to know the
following information by Wednesday. We plan to select a company to host our website
by the end of next week.

1、Pricing for web hosting
2、Pricing for web design
3、References from other clients
4、Examples of web design work

Thank you, and  should you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Phillip Hsieh
Purchasing Manager
Electronic Books Ltd.


 Subject: Web Design and Hosting Services
Dear Sir/Madam:
On Thursday,Jun 2, I sent an inquiry about your company’s web design and hosting services.
Please find my original e-mail attached for your reference.


As of today, I have not received a reply. Could you please send the requested information
by Friday afternoon?

We plan to select a company to design and host our new website next week.
Thank you, and if there is any way I can be of assistance,please let me know.

Best regards,

Phillip Hsieh
Purchasing Manager
Electronic Books Ltd.


五、开会邀请函——同事(Making Appointments with Colleagues)&回复会议请求信

Subject:Meeting Request-Next Year’s Budget

Dear Sally,

Would it be possible for us to meet on Tuesday at 2:00 PM in my office to
discuss next year’s budget? The meeting should last about one hour. Please
bring your latest division forecast and this year’s budget.

Thank you, Sally, and I look forward to discussing the budget with you on


Kim Wang
Finance Manager, Creative Design




Tuesday at 2:00 PM is fine.Let me know if there is anything else I need to prepare.


Unfortunately I am not available at 2:00 PM on Tuesday.How about Thursday at 10:00 AM instead?

Thank you, Kim.


Sally Wu
Sales Director,Creative Company

六、开会邀请函——客户(Making Appointments with Clients)

Subject:Meeting Request

Dear Pennie,

I was hoping we could meet at your office to review our business.Also,
I would like to introduce our plans for next year and our new products.

I am available on Tuesday, October 25 at 3:00 PM and Wednesday, October
26 10:00 AM. I expect the meeting will take about one hour. Please let
me know which day and time is best for you.

Thank you,Pennie, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Claire Wu
Sales Director
Advanced Micro Solutions


七、更改会议时间信(Changing appointment)

Subjuct: Budget Meeting Reschedule Request

Dear Matt,

Earlier we had agreed to meet on Thursday at 3:00 PM to discuss next year’s budget , Unfortunately, I have to give a presentation
in Singapore at that time. Could we please reschedule our meeting to Monday at 1:00 PM?

Thank you, Matt, and I appreciate your understanding.


Claire Wu
Sales Director
Advanced Micro Solutions

八、跟催信(Follow up letter)

Subject: Training Meeting Follow up

Dear Janice,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on Tuesday to
discuss the training program.For your reference, I have attached
my notes from the meeting as a pdf file.

During the meeting, we came to the following conclusions:

1、Increase the training hours for each session from 24 to 46
2、Add an additional conflict resolution training class.

I will follow up with you by phone next week to see if you have
any additional questions.

Thank you, Janice,and I look forward to seeing you again soon.


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