Endeca MDEX Engine query results

一、All query results returned from the Endeca MDEX Engine contain two types of information:

• The appropriate results for the query (for example, a record set or an individual record)

• The supporting information for building follow-on queries

The follow-on query information allows users to refine or broaden their query and, correspondingly, their query results. The method the MDEX Engine uses to compute this information eliminates invalid follow-on queries (dead ends). Eliminating dead ends and providing relevant next-step refinement choices are two of the primary features that
distinguish Endeca solutions from other types of search implementations.

二、Two types of queries

The Endeca IAP provides two types of queries: navigation queries and keyword search queries.

• Navigation queries
Endeca Confidential Logical versus physical structure Navigation queries return a set of records based on application-defined record characteristics (such as wine type or region in an online winestore), plus any follow-on query information.

• Keyword search queries
Keyword search queries return a set of records based on a user-defined keyword, plus any follow-on query information.


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