Chapter2 Project life cycle and organization

2.1 The Project Life Cycle-Overview
a collection of generally sequential and sometimes overlapping project phases

2.1.1 Characteristics of the project life cycle
–starting the project
–organizing the preparing
–carrying out the project work,and
–closing the project.

Impact of Variable based on project Time:Stakeholder influence & Cost of changes.

2.1.2 Product vs. Project Life Cycle Relationships
One product may have many projects associated with it.

2.1.3 Project Phases
are typically completed sequentially ,but can overlap in some project situations.
Other projects may have many phases.

  1. Project Governance Across the life Cycle
  2. phase-to-phase relationships: a sequential relationship, an overlapping relationship.

2.2 Project vs. Operational Work

operations:are ongoing and product repetitive products,services,or results.

project: are temporary and end.

2.3 Stakeholders

are  persons or orgnizations(eg., customers,sponsors)

portfolio managers/portfolio review board: are responsible for the high-leve governance of a collection of projects or progams.

program managers: are responsible for managing related projects in a coorinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually.

functional managers: are key individuals who play a management role within an administrative of functional area of the business,such as human resource,finance,accountint,or procurement.

2.4 Organizational influcences on project management

2.4.1 organizational cultures and styles

2.4.2 organizational structure

2.4.3 organizational process assets

  1. processes and procedures : eg. standardized guidelines, templates…
  2. corporate knowledge base:  eg.process mesurement databases, project files(scope,cost schedule, and performance measurement baselines,prject calendars,risk registers,planned response actions and defined risk impact).

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