Chapter 1 Introduction

1、Project Management Standard Purpose
increase success of project management

2、What is a Project?
tempory and unique.
definite beginning and definite end.
the duration of a project is finite.

3、What is project Management?
the  application of knowledge,skills,tools,and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.
accomplishing the project objectives

4、Relationship between project management,program management,and portfolio management?
Portfolio management: focuse on ensuring that resource allocation veviewed, consistent with org strategies.
Program Management:refer to a group of related projects to achieve the progam’s objectives and benifits.
Projects and Strategic Planning:
Project management Office:

5、Project Management in Operations Management
business goals are achieved through operations.

6、Role of the Project Manager
distinct from a functional manager
report to a functional manager and a progam manager

Project Management SKill: Project management Knowledge Competency,Performance Competency,Personal Competency.

7、Project Management body of Knowledge
across many types of industries.

8、Enterprise Environmental Factors.
organizational culture and structure.
government or industry standards.
existing human resources.
personnel administration.
company work authorization systems.
marketplace conditions.
stakeholder risk tolerrances.
conmercial databases
project management information systems.


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